This is true of grapes, quince, hybrid perpetual roses, shrubby hibiscus, crapemyrtle, mock orange, hydrangea (paniculata), and others.
Wind whispered through the oaks and crapemyrtles.
She motored slowly on the road, past the rail fence and the crapemyrtles, all shrouded in mist.
Ús de crepe myrtle en anglès
The scent of oleander, confederate jasmine, crepemyrtle, and camellia floating from the garden.
The front of the house faced a yard of stately evergreens and great tubs of flowers, oleander, crepemyrtle, and pomegranate.
Flowers were everywhere-growingwild, spilling off the iron balconies of the old buildings that lined the square-hibiscusand oleander and crepemyrtle.
Along the pavement were set huge green boxes, in which white oleanders grew, and flaming pomegranates, and crepemyrtle thickly roofed with pink.
The path wound through beds mounded with pine needles and planted with marigolds and crepemyrtle bushes that would one day be trees.
Roses, calla lilies, crepemyrtle, and other assortments were abundant and fresh every day, a two-hundred-thousand-dollar line item in the firm's annual operating budget.
Esther picked up his walking canes and followed him into the yard, through the citrus and crepemyrtle trees and windmill palms and hibiscus.
Through the windows of the dining-room she could see the long grape arbour and the gray boughs of the crepemyrtle trees in the garden.
Lovely unpruned azaleas and crepemyrtles added to the overall aura of decaying gentility.
Crepemyrtles, lantana, and daylilies held sway at the cemetery.
Outside it was dark, the crepemyrtles a ragged barrier between Widget's yard and the golf course beyond.